What’s “Arm Candy”? Why Do Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies Love It?
If you are part of or interested in the sugar world, chances are, you’ve stumbled upon the expression “arm candy”. In this blog article, we’ll be explaining what it means and why many sugar daddies and sugar babies love it.
What “arm candy” is and does

According to the Urban Dictionary, arm candy refers to a good-looking person accompanying someone in public. They are called so because many like to lock arms with their partner to make an entrance and show off that they are together. Very often, the arm candy is a female sugar baby.
Why sugar daddies love arm candy

The reason why many sugar daddies look for it in the first place is that they like to call attention to themselves while in public. They enjoy having all eyes on them and their stunning sugar babies. Some also enjoy the envy from their peers and even the resentment from women their age.
Having an arm candy also makes them seem (even more) important and wealthy. After all, they leave everyone in the room wondering what they did to get such a young and attractive girlfriend. This also makes them feel successful. They know that such a sugar baby wouldn’t accept to go out with just anyone.
Moreover, their company makes them feel rejuvenated. Imagine how it must feel like to be invited to a boring charity event full of people you only pretend to like and get to hang out with someone who is young, has a vibrant personality and admires you and your achievements!
Why sugar babies love it
We’ve been told by sugar babies from our community that they enjoy being arm candy for several reasons. Firstly, they also like to be the center of attention. It makes them feel pretty. Secondly, it makes them feel lucky to be in the company of a successful man at an important event they wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend. Finally, playing this role in a sugar daddy’s life can be the cherry on top of a successful platonic sugar relationship.