Have a good glass of Champagne
August 4th is the day dedicated to the celebration of Champagne. Would you like to know more about it? In this article, you can learn more about its origin, traditions, how to serve it, to consume it, and who invented this alcoholic beverage. Therefore, you can impress your Sugar Baby at prestigious events while enjoying a glass of Champagne.

The composition of Champagne
Champagne is nothing but the most prestigious category of sparkling wines. First of all, Champagne is a white wine made from both red and white grapes; however, in the end, the pressed grapes turn into a white liquid, with exceptions. What makes it so fresh is the low maturity and acidity of the grape.
The color and foam of the Champagne
The fundamentals of the Champagne production start with the collection of the grapes, that should be done by hand so that the skins remain intact and are not macerated with the fruit. This process guarantees that the liquid does not become red. To produce Champagne, the grains go through several fermentation and procedures, and further, it is bottled and labeled. To froth the wine, it must be mixed with sugar and remain untouched for about fifteen months.
The quality of Champagne
The dosage of sugar per liter is what determines the name of the Champagne, but not necessarily its quality. Sugar Daddies can choose their Champagne according to their taste. The available options are ‘non dosé’ (no sugar), ‘extra-brut’ (from 0 to 6 gr/l), ‘brut’ (less than 12 gr/l), ‘extra-sec’ (between 12 and 17 gr/l), ‘sec’ (between 17 and 32 gr/l), ‘demi-sec’ (between 32 and 50 gr/l), or ‘doux’ (over 50 gr/l).
The price
Above all, we all know that Champagne is a luxury product. Hence, some bottles are even hard to find because they are produced in limited numbers, and the price to pay for such an exclusive product can amount to several thousand euros. The rarer the bottle, the higher its cost, moreover, only the most experienced Sommeliers offer it. In addition, there are special auctions for exclusive Champagne and Wine.

The inventor of Champagne and its extraordinary techniques
Technical knowledge of the processes and the possible grape blendings are fundamental to the production of Champagne. Such production and blending techniques were developed by the Benedictine monk Dom Pérignon (1639-1715). Additionally, he invented the cork stopper that guarantees the preservation of the wine characteristics and prevents exchanges of gas between the bottle and the external environment. Last but not least, it is interesting to highlight that the most traditional and complex Champagnes are produced in the region of Champagne-Ardenne in France.
Sabrage: opening the bottle with elegance
To open a Champagne with your Sugar Baby is a genuine moment of pleasure. For instance, one of the most traditional methods of doing it is known as Sabrage, and it is definitely a must know to every Sugar Daddy. It consists of opening the bottle with a sword or a knife.
Sabrage step by step
The whole method starts with the proper storage of the Champagne – it should chill in the refrigerator or an ice bucket for some hours before opening so that the taste is improved. When the time comes, the foil and the metal cage should be removed. Then, to open the bottle, hold it with your non-dominant hand at a 30-degree angle and rest the blade of the sword on the neck of the bottle. Finally, rapidly slide the sword removing the annulus and the cork at once.
“Sabler le Champagne”
This is a french expression with a double meaning. It can mean to pop the Champagne to celebrate or to chug a whole glass of Champagne.

The true Champagne
The reputation of Champagne is widely known. The beverage is a synonym of party, celebration, and victory. Its fame and prestige are international, and the fight for the rights to use the name ‘Champagne’ was tough but responsible for turning it into a quality seal.
Champagne with ice cubes
In case you are curious, there are Champagnes to drink with ice cubes. Indeed, some Champagnes are specially designed to be tasted in this way. If I may give you my opinion, enjoying a cold glass of Champagne with your Sugar Baby is a must-do this summer!
Champagne with gold flakes
Yes, you got that right! There are specific Champagne bottles with gold flakes inside. If you are a Sugar Daddy with luxurious and eccentric taste, certainly this is the right choice for you.
The most expensive bottle in the world
Want to impress your Sugar Baby with a good glass of Champagne? For that, there are bottles that are the ultimate expression of richness and luxury. In 2019, the most expensive Champagne bottle is the 2013 Taste of Diamonds, a blend of Grand Cru Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier valued at $2.07 M. It is not only about the taste, but also about the design. Its logo is handcrafted from 18-carat gold and accented by a 19-carat white diamond. Impressive, right?
In conclusion
Many are the Champagnes available on the market. Now that you know the basics, you are ready to choose the right one to enjoy a good glass of Champagne with your Sugar Baby!