I’m wealthy, very wealthy. In fact, I’ve so much money that I needn’t work any more and will be able to live more than very comfortably for the rest of my life. What I didn’t have was a regular woman to enjoy it all with and so I set out on the very pleasant path of looking for a sugar baby and this is my story of how, in looking for a sugar baby, I achieved that goal.
Now, I know what you’re thinking – why didn’t I do some online dating and find one? The answer is both simple and yet, at the same time, complicated. Sharing a conventional life with another person means give and take, with both players having likes, dislikes, opinions, families, ghosts of relationships past, pets, and all sorts of baggage that they inevitably take into the relationship arena.
Looking for a sugar baby was the obvious choice for me

looking for a sugar baby
Having been there in an ‘equal’ relationship in a previous life, I decided that I didn’t want that again. I didn’t want to have to keep negotiating my position in the relationship hierarchy – I decided that I wanted permanent dominance and I could afford to pay to enjoy that dominance. Looking for a sugar baby seemed the ideal solution.
On the other hand, I did (and still do) want a high degree of continuance and availability. Therefore I only ever wanted a very small number of women at my behest. Numerous one-off relationships would be very time consuming to find and manage. When Looking for a sugar baby, I’d decided that to have more than one would be sensible. I wanted a sugar baby to be available at all times. With just one, this almost certainly wouldn’t always be the case for a variety of reasons. On the other hand, too many would be too complicated. I realised that I wasn’t looking for a sugar baby – I was really looking for three sugar babys!!!
What looking for a sugar baby meant for me in terms of dating criteria
Additionally, in looking for a sugar baby, I wanted to have women who were:
- attractive to me and who offered ‘firm sun-kissed skin’;
- between the ages of mid-20s and mid-40s;
- without domestic baggage such as children and partners/spouses or prepared/able to keep such baggage well away from their relationship with me;
- able/prepared to fall in line with my plans at fairly short notice;
- equally happy being ‘entertained’ whether in the UK or abroad;
- delighted to ‘entertain’ me in whatever way I chose, the more adventurous the better;
- happy to accept a regular monthly payment to ensure continued enjoyment of our relationship.
A lot to ask? Well, to some it might be but I didn’t think that looking for a sugar baby would be that difficult to find women who were more than happy to enter a relationship with a wealthy and reasonably good-looking fit man in his 60s. I’d decided that looking for a sugar baby, or even a small harem of sugar babies, would be right up my street.
My ideal sugar baby
So, what was in my mind as my ideal? Well, in looking for a sugar baby, I’d decided that I really liked long-haired blondes but, then again, I also like sultry-looking dark haired beauties and, thinking about it, to me there’s something really attractive about a redhead with long flowing locks!! Such a difficult choice and I decided that the only possible solution to remove the dilemma that Looking for a sugar baby could cause was to have one of each. Why not??
The next stage in Looking for a sugar baby, having decided what I wanted, was to work out how to (a) find my potential candidates, (b) identify the precise one(s) to approach, and (c) make the approach in the most appropriate way that made it an offer that couldn’t be refused. Looking for a sugar baby is always, even (indeed especially) for the wealthy, something of a minefield.
What I needed, I decided, was a platform that displayed female profiles to attract males and from which I could make a shortlist of those who fitted my requirements, including their geographical location. I knew I needed a sugar daddy profile to find women with the right mindset. It would also have made sense, in looking for a sugar baby, to search locally/regionally although, for the right female, distance would not be a significant problem for a man with my amount of money.
Online dating was the easiest way to find a sugar baby
The next step in looking for a sugar baby was to examine carefully what the shortlist of women said in their profiles. Such topics as who they were and what they were looking for. Also what their likes and dislikes were, whether they ruled in or out someone (like me) looking for a sugar baby, and what they offered in their desire to attract someone. Finally, whether they only wanted a 100% monogamous relationship or were prepared to accept and enjoy a relationship that was less so. All of these factors played a part in helping me to begin to whittle down the shortlist to a size that was more appropriate for an initial meeting. Looking for a sugar baby was looking like a lot of fun!
These women were a mix of blondes, brunettes and redheads. All were in my required age range, and all resided within a reasonable geographical radius. One aspect I wanted when looking for a sugar baby was to have my final choices as attractive but not too much that being out with any of them would look ridiculous. All my sugar babies fell into this category.
What the sugar babies had to offer

looking for a sugar baby
All professed to be outgoing, understanding, demure in public but sexually adventurous in bed. As professionals, they offered ‘incalls’ (visitors to them) and ‘outcalls’ (where they visit you). It was the latter I was interested in as I wanted to take them out to talk and find out more about them (plus them about me) before returning either to theirs or mine for what they call ‘personal time’. Finally, all offered their time for various durations, including ‘overnights’. Something I found both attractive but, initially, a little daunting when looking for a sugar baby.
I contacted them in the various ways they requested. Then I set up our +outcall meetings, all taking place within a 3-week period. My meetings were all in the lounges of upmarket hotels, followed by drinks in the bar, a lovely meal in the restaurant, usually dinner but sometimes lunch, and then the personal’ time in the bedroom I’d booked. I also had in my pocket a few gift-wrapped pieces of nice jewellery to give as a gift to whoever seemed the most interested in becoming a sugar baby. This was based on the premise that the item was a token of my sincerity and that there’d be much more if things progressed as I’d wanted them to.
Why I had a blast dating my sugar babies
Looking for a sugar baby was a very enjoyable three weeks. I entertained (or did they entertain me?) the shortlist. For various reasons, was able to get down to my final three. When Looking for a sugar baby, my decisions were based on their looks and their degree of sophistication. How did they presented themselves and behaved in the public parts of the hotels? The quality of our conversations (how they spoke and their intellect) also mattered. I tested how tactile they were (for example, the degree to which they enjoyed holding hands, taking my arm, and kissing in public). Finally, the enjoyment of the ‘personal’ times in the bedroom, and their desire to become a sugar baby were important. Some ruled themselves out, this aspect not being for them.
So, six months ago my adventures looking for a sugar baby came to a conclusion. I got my three sugar babies and one of each – Anna (my blonde), Carmen (my brunette), and Jemma (my redhead). I’ve seen each one at least four times and in a variety of ways and places, both in the UK and abroad. In Looking for a sugar baby, the variety has been just right in respect of availability.
I’ve been careful to ensure that they know they’re very special to me but not unique. They know that they’re one of three, but they’ve no knowledge of who the other two are. In fact, they have promised, on the threat of being replaced, that they wouldn’t make any attempt to find out. They’re funny, fun, sophisticated, and have expensive tastes. They love traveling, the hotels, cruises, food, exotic locations… I’ve just returned from ten glorious days in Monaco with Anna, taking in the Grand Prix. The gifts and, of course, the monthly payments of £2000 each are their favourites, thoug. They also ‘love’ me and my money.
Sugar dating means you stay flexible throughout the relationship
We’re all under no illusion, however, in that I’d end my relationship with any of them if they no longer met all of my requirements and they’d end things with me if all the benefits they enjoyed suddenly became no longer available. So, Looking for a sugar baby can be an all-round win-win arrangement. I’ve realised, though, that looking for a sugar baby is a quest that should never stand still.
Circumstances change and so I’ve recently got myself a fourth. She’s a cracker and could easily replace any of the original three. I’ve made sure that she knows she’s not the only one. I’ve told the original three of the existence of the latest addition. I decided, though, to sweeten the pill by increasing their monthly allowances to £2500 each. This has worked very well to the point that they’re even more on their toes than before!
One thing I’ve not done when looking for a sugar baby is have any of the women either come to my home or know where it is. There’s times when I don’t want to be anywhere but on my own. Therefore my anonymous home needs to stay that way. After all, I need a little bit of re-organisation time between adventures… Even if it’s only to re-organise my suitcases and recharge my batteries for the next trip. Looking for a sugar baby? Best thing I’ve ever done!!