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Sugar Baby Earnings

Sugar baby earnings – how much are you worth?

So you’ve decided that you’re young enough, clever enough and pretty enough to be a sugar baby. That comes with both responsibilities and perks. What, for example, is the typical sugar baby earnings?

Let’s start with the most important thing: there is a hell of a lot of confusion out there about what a sugar baby allowance really is. Do not fall into the trap of trying to work out your sugar baby earnings based on what you are ‘worth’, i.e. based on how pretty you are, your age, or the size of your breasts.

Sugar Baby Earnings

Honestly, do not even start going there.

What being a sugar baby is really about

Sugar baby earnings is never about how much you might be ‘worth’. Your price can’t be determined in terms of pounds.

What you should understand from day one is that sugar baby earnings should not be about selling yourself. What you are selling is your time, your effort, the attention you will give to your sugar daddy – and the contribution you will make to his life.

The most important consideration is to find a balance between sugar baby earnings that will make you happy and what your sugar daddy can and will pay.

Sugar baby earnings: everything you wanted to know

Of course you are unlikely to get the highest sugar baby earnings from a really poor sugar daddy. Since you will spend a lot of time with him, it’s important that he has a pleasant personality and that he’s interesting and charming, but if he can make no significant contribution to your sugar baby earnings, it’s not a good deal.

The next step is to decide what both of you want from the relationship, and then try to strike a balance. If you are, e.g. a student, and your sugar baby earnings will simply help you to buy some nice clothes and perfume now and again, you should be happy with a few hundred quid a month.

What determines my sugar baby earnings?

In that case you of course don’t need to spend every moment of the day with your sugar daddy – the odd date now and again should be enough for both of you.

On the other hand, if you want your sugar baby earnings to cover all your monthly costs – including rent, clothing and food – you will have to give more in return. You might have to spend every second weekend with your sugar daddy, go with him on trips et cetera.

Should you want to really hit the jackpot in terms of sugar earnings, i.e. bring in as much as 10 000 to 20 000 GBP per month, it becomes a full-time job. In that case you better really like your sugar daddy, otherwise it can become as boring and dreadful as most other jobs.