Most sugar daddy agencies are online nowadays. You want all the cosmetic things like a good logo and a well designed website or app, but you also want something else from your sugar daddy agency too, namely great service.
Great service is hard to define, especially if you only deal with someone online, maybe it means being dealt with quickly by the sugar daddy agency, being found a potential partner quickly. Or maybe it means being friendly instead of formal, having a personal touch?
Sugar daddy agency – mobile dating apps for sugar babies

sugar daddy agency for arrangements
There was a noticeable growth in sugar daddies, and as result sugar daddy agencies in 2014. Although numbers seem to have plateaued since then, there are still many sugar daddies and sugar babies seeking a partner at a sugar daddy agency.
It makes sense: After all there are always attractive women who lack funds and rich man who require a partner. Why shouldn’t a sugar daddy bring both parties together? Online sugar daddy agencies are usually great at meeting the sugar daddy requirements of young sugar babies.
Is it all about confidentiality with a sugar daddy agency?
Confidentiality must surely be important when finding a sugar daddy agency. You want to know that your information is secure and your details will not be passed to a sugar daddy. This is especially true for one you didn’t really get on with. Fortunately most dating agencies consider this a vital part of how they operate. You can rest assured if the date goes wrong for whatever reason you will never see that person again. All the information on file is secure and is only taken so the sugar daddy agency knows you are who you say you are.
Privacy is different from confidentiality but is related. You may want to keep the reasons why you didn’t attend a date secret, or the number of sugar daddy dates you have been on. This is your decision and the sugar daddy agencies must respect that.
Although it still seems a bit of a fad the idea of using a sugar daddy agency has become popular among young women. Sugar babies as well as the rich men, the sugar daddies, prefer sugar dating sites and apps. This doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon.