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Sugar Daddy Experiences

Sugar daddy experiences I will always remember

I became a sugar baby when I was 20 and at university. My main reason at the time was that I needed money for my expensive tastes in clothing and perfume. I am 25 now, and since those days I have had so many funny, interesting and sometimes weird sugar daddy experiences that I can hardly remember them all.

Sugar daddy experiences

Sugar daddy experiences

One of my favorite sugar daddy experiences was also one of my first. I joined a sugar-dating website and it just so happened that the first sugar daddy I met through the site was my 61-year old English poetry professor!

At first it was rather awkward, but I have to say that he turned out to be a real gentleman. One of the sugar daddy experiences with him I will always remember is when we sat on the beach. Suddenly he recited a poem he wrote for me during the weekend. Afterwards we walked hand in hand on the beach and then he took me for dinner at a really posh restaurant. Too bad he died of a heart attack three weeks later.

Sugar daddy experiences that were most memorable for me

After that I didn’t have any really memorable sugar daddy experiences for a while, until I met this middle-aged guy who retired at 40 and who was traveling the world on his yacht. I went with him on a few sailing trips during varsity holidays and it was always huge fun. Our last trip together was to Marrakesh, Morocco. He often had important business meetings with strange-looking guys who sometimes looked as if they came straight from the desert, and I spent my days wandering through the souks and buying perfume with my very generous sugar daddy money.

Unfortunately when we returned customs stopped us and found some weird cargo in the boat. Luckily I pleaded ignorance and because of my pretty smile they believed me. I haven’t heard from that sugar daddy since. It remains one of my most amazing sugar daddy experiences though.

Sometimes even young guys become sugar daddies

As far as sugar daddy experiences go, the next one was really strange. Sugar daddies are normally much older than their sugar babies, but this time my sugar daddy was a 19-year old guy who was married to an older woman. I could never quite understand why, but I know she was really rich because she lived in a castle with many servants. He and I would spend weekends horse riding and playing in the pool and she didn’t even seem to mind. Strange, but not bad as far as sugar daddy experiences go.

Sugar daddy experiences can also be creepy though. Last month I met this guy who initially looked quite sane, but when I got to know him better I realized he wasn’t looking for a sugar baby, he actually wanted a daughter. He would buy me dolls and at night, instead of making love, he would read me bedtime stories. It soon became too much and I dropped him.