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Sugar Daddy Requirements

Sugar Daddy Requirements: My Sugar Daddy Chronicles

My motivation for finding a sugar daddy wasn’t entirely selfish. Also, I had a sizeable bucket list at my young age that made giving the sugar daddy thing a go, a challenge, and therefore, a necessity. I came up with a list of sugar daddy requirements, assuming that my potential daddy would have his own list made up for me. Right at the heart of it, after all, is an exchange where both parties are meant to benefit. My sugar daddy requirements were not over the top or impossible to meet, either, since I’m a reasonable girl. I hope this list helps you find a sugar baby.


Sugar daddy requirements list


  • I must find him attractive. He doesn’t have to be a stud; he has to have the potential for me to believe, at some point, he is a stud.
  • Intellect is greatly appreciated. The smarter the better, in fact. At any rate, he can’t be a complete fool.
  • He can’t be a jerk. Habitually rude people are highly unattractive. Being a jerk and respectfully, but firmly setting boundaries are different, by the way. I require someone who can differentiate between the two.
  • We have to connect on a satisfying level. If there is no mutual connection or attraction, I very much doubt that a daddy would want me around for any lengthy period of time. Okay, that may not be true. How naiive am I? They may simply want some arm candy, or a plaything. That’s it. My mistake…


Sugar Daddy Requirements – The Toughest Part About Finding a Sugar Daddy:

sugar daddy requirements

sugar daddy requirements

  • He has to have a steady stream of income. The bigger, the better, of course. He has to be willing to spend some of it on me. The specifics depend on the daddy and his circumstances, since I consider myself to have good overall judgement in people and relationships.
  • He must be willing to intitiate, since I do not initiate. I always respond, but I prefer a man who will initiate contact. Just a thing with me, I suppose. Some women are tigers. I am not this tiger you are looking for.


That’s all Folks, For Basic Sugar Daddy Requirements


So here was my list of sugar daddy requirements to all those gentlemen who wish to be sugar daddies. You just listened to the sugar daddy story of a sugar baby. These sugar daddy requirements are, I’m sure, transferable to other ladies as well, babies that are waiting out there for you. Don’t be afraid to stick your neck out a bit beyond just saying hello. Now that you know what some sugar daddy requirements are, you can become the sugar daddy rock star you always knew you could be!