Sugar Daddy story
Sugar Daddy Story | My Story
Sugar Daddy story…I’m Beet!
I could have been the world’s greatest Sugar Daddy story but I didn’t have the cash. I’ve got the balding pate and the comfortable paunch of the successful male of a certain age, and most of my own teeth. Give me a few months and I could grow my hair into the full Donald Trump.
Now, that is a Sugar Daddy story I do not want to know…..

Sugar Daddy story
As I was saying, my own Sugar Daddy story had one snag, in that the money proved an obstacle to dating success with a sugarbabe. I met her in a pub where I went to lick my wounds. I found out later someone told her I was a man of means. That sealed the deal. People see what they want to see. As easy as that, I had a Sugar Daddy story.
We went back to her house and after a while she lifted her head from my chest and asked if I would take her to Madagascar. She so wanted to go.
“Sure”, I said. My Sugar Daddy story.
Sugar Daddy Story | and it goes on…
I wined her and dined her for two months. The best tables in restaurants where you sniff the cork and the bottle is not left on the table. Confident in the miracle of credit, I signed bill after bill with an air of easy authority.
By month three of my story I was on to my fifth credit card. Sugarbabe reached into her handbag, (Balenciaga it said on my credit card statement), and took out a forest of brochures for Madagascar. Exclusive resorts….7 stars. I didn’t know that stars went up to 7. My Sugar Daddy story had to end.
I invited her to my place. I said I’d cook. But my penthouse suite was a basement flat. She took one look and that was that.
Sugar Daddy Story | final
I was glad. Aside from the financial kicking, it had been hell on the knees. I heard later that her story had not ended there. She had met a millionaire on “”. And apparently he still had all his own hair. I was glad. Aside from the financial kicking, it had been hell on the knees.
So long to all you sugarbabes out there….good luck in your search for a story.