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sugar baby with high expectations thinking

“Too High” Expectations: This Might Be Why You Haven’t Found a Sugar Daddy Yet

Many of our users are still single because they are looking for the perfect sugar daddy. I don’t blame them for it! The problem is when they see flaws in everyone and end up constantly disappointed. What can you do about allegedly too high expectations? Let’s find out!

By Luna


woman with her hands to her face in the dark suffering because of the current self-improvement trend

This is Why the Current Self-Improvement Trend Might Backfire on Us

If you go on any social media platform any day now, you are very likely to come across articles, posts, videos, workshops and ads about self-improvement. What they all have in common is that they suggest that your life could be better IF ONLY you adopted this or that particular new habit or completely changed […]

By Luna


Use computer technology to overcome distance in long-distance relationships

5 tips for you to survive a long-distance relationship

Long-distance relationships are unhappier? I mean, does happiness in a relationship have anything to do with closeness? I bet not. Couples who have a spatially close relationship may face a lot of challenges as well. For example, privacy can become an issue; the everyday routine together can bring boredom; coexistence can undermine the magic of […]

By elma


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