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Use computer technology to overcome distance in long-distance relationships

5 tips for you to survive a long-distance relationship

Long-distance relationships are unhappier? I mean, does happiness in a relationship have anything to do with closeness? I bet not. Couples who have a spatially close relationship may face a lot of challenges as well. For example, privacy can become an issue; the everyday routine together can bring boredom; coexistence can undermine the magic of […]

By elma


Words of affirmation: I love you

Loving through words

In this article we explained that every person has a way to express and recognize love, also known as Love Language, and briefly introduced the 5 types of love languages. Today we will focus on the people who are native of “Words of Affirmation“, the ones that love and feel loved through words.

By elma


The 5 love languages

Do you and your partner speak the same Love Language?

After several years of profession, the couple therapist Gary Chapman noticed that the roots of many couple’s problems were the incongruency in their ways of expressing love. The couples reported that they were always trying so hard to demonstrate their feeling to the other person, but did not felt as loved in return. In this […]

By elma


Open relationship

Engaging in an Open Relationship

Oh, look if it isn’t the trending relationship. It is undeniable that the open relationship is becoming more and more common in the past years. However, before boarding in this trend with your partner, you must ask yourselves some questions. What are your opinions, expectations, and fears considering this kind of relationship? Are you really […]

By elma


happy long-lasting relationship

How to build a happy and long-lasting relationship

When we meet someone new and fall in love, it is almost as if a new us is born. In the beginning, everything seems to be perfect. Nothing about the other person bothers us. We live the dream relationship in the first months, and this is the time when our only concern is to enjoy […]

By elma


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