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girl sunbathing to produce vitamin D

Vitamin D: We Can Barely Live Without It

Following our recent posts about the power of vitamins, vitamin C and why you should prefer organic food, today’s article is dedicated to vitamin D, which is of extreme importance for your health and actually isn’t a vitamin per se, as we’ll explain.

By Luna


girl holding vitamin rich fruits to her eyes

Vitamin C: The Power of Vitamins

Following our recent posts about the power of vitamins in general and why you should prefer organic food, today we’ll be focusing on how vitamin C is of fundamental importance for your health.

By Luna


girl meditating and fasting at beach

Is Fasting an Effective Diet?

Since fasting involves reducing food intake and less food usually equals weight loss, many people wouldn’t think twice before calling fasting a diet, but is that true? And, if so, is it an effective way to lose weight?

By Luna


plate with vegan organic food

Why you should prefer organic food

We all aspire to be beautiful inside and out. But how should we go about that? It seems to involve lots of self-care and self-love, which sound very abstract, so how could you get started today and achieve concrete results in a foreseeable time? With a healthy diet! In this article, we’ll explain why opting […]

By Luna


girl ready for pelvic floor exercise class

Pelvic floor exercises help men and women

In our daily lives, most of us are completely unaware of our pelvic muscles. Some people don’t even know where they are. For this reason, we’ll be listing some of the numerous benefits of pelvic floor exercises in this article. A TINY SPOILER: it will directly impact your sex life in many ways!

By Luna


girl showing symptoms of cvs

CVS: Computer Vision Syndrome

As briefly mentioned in our last article, titled “Generation Z”, the use of electronic devices (mainly computers and smartphones) entails some health risks. CVS (computer/cyber vision syndrome) is one of them. Do you suffer from it without knowing?

By Luna


various citrus fruits major source of vitamins

The power of vitamins

What exactly are vitamins and what do we need them for? Vitamins are vital micro-nutrients which, with a few exceptions, the body cannot synthesize on its own — they are therefore essential substances. This means that they have to enter the body externally, which usually happens through food intake.

By Luna


girl practicing yoga near beach

Increase Sexual Pleasure with Yoga

As many of you already know, the practice of yoga is excellent for body and mind, because it can significantly reduce stress. When we have a lot of stress, it is normal for sexual desire to decrease. So let us show you how this practice can revert it and increase your satisfaction in the bedroom […]

By Luna


A couple dancing together

The Benefits of Partner Dances

Everyone knows that sport unites. Why not also use it to strengthen your relationship with your partner? Today I will present to you the perfect sporting discipline for this purpose. Yes, I’m talking about partner dances, which bring significant benefits not only on a physical but also on a mental and emotional level.

By elma


A fourmula 1 car

Luxurious sports for Sugar Daddies

Successful Sugardaddies have a lot in common. They have millions in their accounts, have a job that they like to do and, above all, they do one thing regularly: sport. Exercising plays a decisive role in staying healthy. In addition, choosing a particularly expensive sport shows status. It not only improves one’s image but also […]

By elma


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