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graffiti depiction of hands drifting apart symbolizing relationship don'ts

Relationship Do’s n’ Don’ts (Part II): DON’T DO THIS

Last week we talked about the “do’s” in a romantic relationship. Today it’s about the other side. Here are the most important relationship don’ts:

By Luna


David, one of Michelangelo's sculptures related to the Michelangelo phenomenon

The Michelangelo Phenomenon

This week, we’ll be talking about the polar opposite of last week’s article, which explains the Manhattan effect. In short, the Manhattan Effect refers to instances where, in a relationship, one person stands against the plans of their partner if he or she sees them as a threat to the relationship. Of course, no one […]

By Luna


man overlooking Manhattan under the Manhattan effect

The Manhattan Effect: A Toxic Dynamic

Have you ever heard of the Manhattan effect? It refers to a toxic relationship dynamic that might be considered normal by some people. Today we will explain it to you so you can catch yourself doing it right away!

By Luna


woman looking at couple holding hands filled with jealousy

What’s truly behind jealousy?

Our last post on envy, titled “Is there anything positive about envy?” – inspired me to write about another emotion that is quite hard to admit: jealousy. Everyone knows this feeling, but have you ever stopped to think what causes it and what is the best way to deal with it? Here’s what we discovered […]

By Luna


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