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rinsing in practice: sugar daddy wondering if he got rinsed

Rinsing: Definition + How to Recognize Rinsers & Avoid Getting Rinsed

If you ever read through the posts of any sugar dating forum, chances are, you came across the term rinsing. Most likely, it was in some sort of warning or testimonial from someone who got ripped off. To prevent this kind of story from repeating itself, we will tell you in this post what exactly […]

By Luna


sugar daddy scam symbolized by man's silhouette

Sugar Daddy Scam: The 25 Main Red Flags (2021 Edition)

Some things in life can be too good to be true. Have you just started talking to a potential sugar daddy and something he said or done raised your suspicion? Here are the main 25 red flags of the most common sugar daddy scam to help you decide on what to do next:

By Luna


sugar daddy thinking about whether to pay sugar baby for the first date

M&G: Do You Have to Pay the Sugar Baby Before the First Date?

In the last few months, an astonishing number of people have joined the world of sugar dating, or the Bowl, as we like to call it, and seem to be confused about some of the basics. Knowing that, we decided to answer a common question: should a sugar daddy pay a sugar baby before meeting […]

By Luna


guy in suit representing one of the worst types of sugar daddy, the one that wants to marry you

The Worst Types of Sugar Daddy Out There

After having dedicated a full blog series to the different kinds of sugar babies, it’s time to talk about sugar daddies. And since much has been said about regular sugar daddies, I’ve decided to ask sugar babies about the worst types of sugar daddy they’ve ever come across. Here is some of the not good, […]

By Luna


Man walking in the dark

Sugar Daddy Scam: How to recognize and avoid

It is not rare to find “Sugar Daddies” on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook offering tons of money out of nowhere. They say they are searching for a loyal and honest Sugar Baby, and are willing to pay above-average allowances. We know it may be tempting, but be aware that there is a lot of Sugar […]

By elma


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