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couple with an ideal age difference

Relationships: What’s the Ideal Age Difference?

Is there such a thing as an ideal age difference? Can someone be too old or too young for you? Does it apply to sugar relationships? Here’s what science, a popular formula and our experience have to say about it:

By Luna


man exercising at gym and making his natural scent more evident

Can You Fall in Love with Someone’s Scent?

I believe that scent plays a major role in the initial stages of falling in love. And by scent, I mean someone’s natural body odor, not their perfume. But this is just my opinion… what do scientists say about it?

By Luna


girl practicing yoga near beach

Increase Sexual Pleasure with Yoga

As many of you already know, the practice of yoga is excellent for body and mind, because it can significantly reduce stress. When we have a lot of stress, it is normal for sexual desire to decrease. So let us show you how this practice can revert it and increase your satisfaction in the bedroom […]

By Luna


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