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couple hugging passionally after she managed to get her man back

7 Proven Ways to Get Your Man Back

This is a question nearly every woman has asked herself after a breakup that felt premature. If you think he is the one or that he should still give the relationship a chance, we can help! Here, we’ll present 7 proven ways to get your man back.

By Luna


woman with her hands to her face in the dark suffering because of the current self-improvement trend

This is Why the Current Self-Improvement Trend Might Backfire on Us

If you go on any social media platform any day now, you are very likely to come across articles, posts, videos, workshops and ads about self-improvement. What they all have in common is that they suggest that your life could be better IF ONLY you adopted this or that particular new habit or completely changed […]

By Luna


girl who is afraid of change sitting alone in a room in isolation

The Real Reason Why We are Afraid of Change

I’ve been trying to change many things about myself for the longest time. I wish I could be more disciplined, strong-willed, focused. I just wished I could change, but no progress seemed to last, so I did a lot of pondering and realized that I — most people, for that matter — am afraid of […]

By Luna


reliable sugar daddy waiting for his sugar baby

How To Become a Reliable Sugar Daddy

In our last post, titled “Why it feels so good to have a reliable sugar daddy“, I explained how that can help make a sugar baby feel much less insecure and anxious about her future and life in general. As we know there are many truly dedicated sugar daddies who desire to make a positive […]

By Luna


reliable sugar daddy helping sugar baby feel less anxious

Why Does It Feel So Good to Have a Reliable Sugar Daddy?

On this cold winter day, I stopped to contemplate why it feels so good to have a reliable sugar daddy — to the point that we spend hours a week looking for one and wondering if he will be there for us the next day. Here’s what I found out:

By Luna


person writing down relationship do's and don'ts

Relationship Do’s n’ Don’ts (Part I): DO THIS

Love is unique and so is every relationship. However, there are some fundamental principles that, when followed, tend to make relationships easier. No matter if you’ve been with your partner for a long time or just have got together, you should abide by these relationship do’s and don’ts:

By Luna


Painting of couple holding hands to illustrate the Pygmalion effect.

Pygmalion & Manhattan Effect vs. Michelangelo Phenomenon

In the last few weeks, we talked about the Manhattan effect and the Michelangelo phenomenon. Chances are, you’ve also heard of the Pygmalion effect and are wondering what are the differences and similarities among these phenomena. Today, you’ll find out!

By Luna


woman journaling by window

Journaling: a Key to Success

How many times have you started a journal only to stop a few days later? And how nice wouldn’t it be to open a diary now and relive moments that have long since disappeared from your memory? A diary is much more than a container of memories: journaling is a powerful tool to improve your […]

By Luna


David, one of Michelangelo's sculptures related to the Michelangelo phenomenon

The Michelangelo Phenomenon

This week, we’ll be talking about the polar opposite of last week’s article, which explains the Manhattan effect. In short, the Manhattan Effect refers to instances where, in a relationship, one person stands against the plans of their partner if he or she sees them as a threat to the relationship. Of course, no one […]

By Luna


man overlooking Manhattan under the Manhattan effect

The Manhattan Effect: A Toxic Dynamic

Have you ever heard of the Manhattan effect? It refers to a toxic relationship dynamic that might be considered normal by some people. Today we will explain it to you so you can catch yourself doing it right away!

By Luna


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