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girl showing symptoms of cvs

CVS: Computer Vision Syndrome

As briefly mentioned in our last article, titled “Generation Z”, the use of electronic devices (mainly computers and smartphones) entails some health risks. CVS (computer/cyber vision syndrome) is one of them. Do you suffer from it without knowing?

By Luna


generation z members giving a hing-five in class

Do you belong to Generation Z?

Smartphone, Facebook, Instagram — these are no foreign words for today’s younger generation, as they’ve always existed in “their world”. We are talking about the so-called “Generation Z”. Are you one of them?

By Luna


person painting during e-learning class

E-Learning will keep you Sane

As we well know, we have been forced to change our lifestyle significantly for an unforeseeable amount of time. In fact, to reduce the spread of COVID-19, most of us are forced to spend our days indoors, often alone. Many of us don’t know how to spend all this “free time” and how to fight […]

By Luna


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