The unappreciated side to the world of sugaring
We have previously highlighted a few elements of the sugaring life: from how to go about maximizing your chances of meeting just the one you need to what to do in order to further yourself as an enriched individual full of fun and attractive to the majority around you. Yes that is all very good but we have not yet thought of how to deal with the external factors surrounding the sugaring topic. I mean precisely the reactions you are not going to be able to be in control of simply because they come from others around you.
The sugaring role in society no one ever mentions
Let’s be honest. We re all going through tough times from north south east and west. That is to say. Decisions made from those in charge of society are ever more quickly affecting the globe in more than just economic ways, being the economic aspect already enough to concern people. Sugar baby! Sugar daddy… You are a noble being. You are out there to set the balance that has been made upset in the world economy: Wealth distribution. It still baffles me to read news pieces that try to associate the sugaring lifestyle with every possible negative angle possible. Prostitution, trivialization of genuine relationships and especially the threat it is to defenceless young women who have no idea of what they are doing – so says the media. I say this especially, because it strikes me as a surprise that in the era of #metoo, women are still looked down upon as though they are not capable of making assertive choices for their lives.
Be wild and sweet, be sugar baby indeed

So girl! (or boy)… Let’s just say the whole let’s jump on the “Baby daddy which hunt” is just too much for comfort. One would not need to be an expert in economy to say the future is sugaring. Whether you are do it because you are done with being dumped and missing the the chance for a pay back, or you girl or chap, who is simply more attracted to being with someone you remember in the future and think: it is over but I left my positive footprint. Now! If you are out of the sugaring world just think about how much money you are going to be saving if your taxes are lower as a result of more guys or girls who are actually going into education and becoming professionals as a result of sugaring. After all who needs all that jobseekers allowance being spent on unqualified young aspiring individuals.
Time to sugar up!