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Vision Board: Stay on Track with Your Dreams

Are you tired of failing to fulfill your New Year’s resolutions year after year? (Speaking of which, you can find out why they usually fail here.) WE ARE TOO! And we definitely want to change it! That’s why we decided to create this post on one of the best solutions to it: a vision board!

Read on to find out how to make a vision board step by step as well as how to stay motivated throughout the year despite any bumps in the road 😉

How to create a vision board

example of vision board

By following our tips, you are more likely to reach all your goals and not give up at the first difficulty. So let yourself be inspired by us 🙂

Let’s get started!

What you need for your visual board

Here are some of the materials you will need:

First steps

Before starting, make sure to get in the right mood. For that, you can light the candle, pour some wine and set your favorite playlist to play.

It all starts with you goals. To get an idea of everything you want to achieve this year and not lose track of any of these dreams or goals along the way, it is very helpful to write them down. Try to narrow them down to the top 10 so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by your own list. That also helps keeping them in mind when you are making potentially life-changing decisions.

card with sentence that would fit as the title of a vision board

Once the list is over, you can get down to work and start looking for images in magazines, on the Internet or wherever you want. The important thing is that you feel that they really represent your dreams. Then, cut them out.

Make your vision board truly yours. Pick a representative title for it, such as: My goals for 2021, My dreams for this year or simply your name. I named mine 365 days of success. You can also leave some empty space so you can add it later.

Start arranging the images or magazine clippings in a way that makes sense to you considering your list of goals. Don’t stop until you are completely satisfied with the results. Now you can glue them to the cardboard and voilà!

Pick a nice place for your vision board! Preferably somewhere you will be sure to see it at least once a day. I will put mine just above my desk. This way, I will be gently reminded of my goals and let them guide my decisions.

How to deal with setbacks

The road to success has many ups and downs. These downs are part of life. Each one of them will make you stronger. So don’t let yourself completely give up after a tiny failure or setback. Life on earth is about trial and error and we are the result of the many mistakes and successes of our ancestors.

How to overcome the fear of failure?

girl jumping near a tree

The first thing you should remind yourself of is that all people go through this every day. It is normal to be afraid of failure, it is normal to be afraid of not achieving everything we set ourselves to, but the most important thing is to overcome this fear, because it is one of the things that sabotage your plans.

Your long-term plans will not be completely ruined by a tiny mistake. That is true for any project and especially large, successful businesses. This is something any sugar daddy can confirm for sure.

And remember: there is nothing wrong with asking for help, be it from your family, sugar daddy, psychologist or anyone from your social network.

We from MySugarDaddy UK wish you a successful year!